An anonymous prepaid Visa is a card that functions like both a credit card and a debit card. These cards allow users to load funds and to spend them just they would with any other credit card. Rather than accruing debt when you make a purchase, you are merely subtracting from a prepaid amount of money.
Like a regular credit card, a prepaid Visa can be used anyplace where Visas are accepted. Anonymous prepaid Visa cards offer many advantages, the first being anonymity. For instance, if you are making purchases online and do not want to be tracked, you can use an anonymous card to conduct your business rather than having your identity revealed. Many online shoppers feel safer knowing that their purchases are not made privy to the whole internet community. Because there is no name printed on the card when it is issued, there are fewer chances of users becoming victims of identity theft.
Prepaid Visa cards allow users to forego a credit check. Because you are sending the provider money before you make purchases, the provider has no risk involved. There are also no interest charges accrued because the user has already paid for the purchases he or she makes. Because anonymous prepaid cards are meant to keep the user's identity a secret, most of them are not re-loadable. This means that once you spend the amount of money originally placed on the card, you cannot add more to the balance available. Anonymous prepaid Visa cards make great gifts, and they are perfect for college students and travelers. People attempting to stick to a strict budget can also benefit from prepaid cards, as well. Prepaid Visa cards allow users to monitor exactly how much they are spending every month without having to deal with the temptation of spending more than they can afford.
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