Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Prepaid Travel Cards

As the prepaid card boom continues in the UK, an increasing number of card products are now emerging, specifically designed for your holiday money.

The new breed of prepaid travel cards just keep coming, and more and more consumers are selecting to put their holiday money onto a prepay card over more traditional products such as travellers cheques or using foreign currency.

But, much like credit or debit cards, not all prepaid travel cards are the same. You should not make your choice on fees alone. For example, selecting a Maestro card, no matter how cost effective, would not be a good option if you were travelling to the Caribbean, as you would be restricted at the number of retail locations where you could use the card. So it may not be such a great deal after all!

Advantages of putting your holiday money onto a Prepaid Travel Card

Prepaid Travel cards are great for budgeting – You can only spend up to the value of funds that you load onto your travel card. So, you will receive no unwelcome bills landing on the door mat when you return from holiday.

Unlike a credit card, you don’t need to pass a credit check to get a prepaid travel money card.

Many travel card issuers offer emergency card or cash replacement facilities. So, you will not be left without your holiday money if your card should be lost or stolen.

Most Prepaid Travel cards are available in Euro or US Dollar currency in addition to UK Pound sterling. This makes it much easier to manage your available balance whilst away, and generally means you will not pay any foreign exchange rate fees.

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