Offshore Pro Group - The Industry Leader in Co-Branded Debit Card Options
Consumers today are flooded with payment choices. But they most commonly utilize payment solutions which allow them to express their individuality, while also simplifying their lives. Co-branded debit card programs from Offshore Pro Group satisfy both of these consumer demands.
Co-branded partnerships strengthen customer loyalty as well as attract new customers, lowering the organization's overall acquisition costs.
Offshore Pro Group is the industry leader for co-branded debit card programs, white label programs, software and payment integration platforms and turnkey payment solutions. Some of the payment programs currently offered by Offshore Pro Group include:
· Co-branded debit card programs
· White label programs
· Co-branded pre-paid credit card programs
· MasterCard or VISA
· Magnetic stripe and/or EMV (chip cards)
· Embossed and un-embossed card programs
· Full suite of services for the un-bankable clientele
· Turnkey solution including licensing and payment processing integration.
The company develops programs for clients within the following regions: Asia, Latin America, Caribbean, Europe, Middle East, Africa, South America, North America.
Offshore Pro Group prepaid debit card programs are used worldwide by clients for a variety of needs, such as Dividend, incentive and Forex payouts, Membership based affiliation applications, Loan and benefit payout applications, Insurance payout programs, Commission payout applications, Travel and remittance card programs, Telecommunications and cellular phone companies, Department stores and supermarkets, Gaming and gambling organizations, Service and utilities companies, etc.
Offshore Pro Group
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